Home Editorial Shoots 1940s Pin up photos

1940s Pin up photos

1940s Pin up photos

Photo Contest with Charlotte Seen
Big thanks to my team, Abigale Allen the model, and Hair & MUA by Lyndsee Hairston
The editorial shoot was part of a 1940’s Pin up photo shoot contest with Charlotte Seen, raising money with calendars for the Children’s Levin Hospital.  With a lot of teamwork and quick decisions were where able to deliver the winning image in the pin up photo contest.  The first challenge in this competition was finding the wardrobe and look that represented the fashion of the 1940’s era. Backstage Unique Vintage Apparel a local Boutique here in Charlotte NC assisted and brought out several options giving me a better sense of direction. The garment finally we went with was an unexpected find that simply worked!

The shoot took place in Belmont North Carolina at the Belmont General store. With a stroke of luck we were able to use the complimenting cars from a visitor which definitely took things to another level. The sun was setting fast but within 20min we captured the images to get the most votes to win this years 1940s pin up contest!

1940's pin-up photo shoot, winning image
Model – Abigale Allen
Hair & MUA – Lyndsee Hairston
Photographer – Todd Youngblood
Charlotte North Carolina

Camera Gear used in this shoot was a single Alien B800 strobe light from Paul C. Buff and my beat up Vegabond Mini that Im surprised still works. Lens used was Nikon 50mm 2.8. It was not the ideal lens for the situation but I didn’t have the time to run back to the car. Regardless we made it work!

1940s themed photo shoot
Model – Abigale Allen
Hair & MUA – Lyndsee Hairston
Photographer – Todd Youngblood
Charlotte North Carolina

For booking Todd Youngblood

1940's Pin-up photo shoot
Model – Abigale Allen
Hair & MUA – Lyndsee Hairston
Photographer – Todd Youngblood
Charlotte North Carolina

1940’s pin up fashion
In general terms, a pin up fashion is the one which is intended for informal display, such as to be pinned up on the wall which in turn becomes the popular fashion of that era. In a nutshell, the 1940’s women’s fashion were about creating a certain silhouette- it was all about wearing such clothing which could help in achieving the perfect hour glass figure. Wide padded shoulders, high waist tops tucked inside pants, and a-line skirts with knee-length.

Even though the 1950’s pin up fashion is also known well, however, the pin up look took the center stage in the 1940’s as men went to the war during that era. Women wore tighter and shorter dresses- revealing tops were the main part of the 1940s pin up fashion, as their beauty kept men hopeful that they would return back safely to their homes.

So basically the 1940s pin up fashion could be divided in to three; the patriotic pin up fashion, the sexy pin up fashion and finally, the adorable one.  Since 1940 was the year of the war, many women dressed in Navy motifs to show support for their country’s soldiers who were fighting the war. V for victory as well as anchors were pinned up on the attires; both on uppers such as shirts and sweaters as well as on pants. Even though the general theme during that time was fitted and short length dresses, even though these suits that the women wore didn’t qualify for tight pin up dresses, yet they were the most stylish pin up dresses during the 1940s- a fashion sort which is even followed by women today. These suits had cute 4 button bodice, white collars and navy stripes on them.

The next category was of sexy pin up dresses; bright colors, deep necks, charming cap sleeves and of course- the famous knee length skirts. These dresses made every women look in shape since the cut of the dress itself used to be extremely curvy. Along with these dresses, women used to curl their hair and make victory rolls while some even went for adding on embellishments such as flowers, bandana and large bows. The sexy pin up dresses was all about looking sexy but in a sophisticated way.

The last category is of adorable pin up dresses which the women wore during their daily life happenings in the 1940s. These dresses, even today, look so authentic and cute to the 1940s, that one just cannot stop from buying them. With the puffed cap length sleeves, high waist, self-belt tie, A-line skirt and the famous ruffle trim- these dresses became the highlight of fashion during that era.

However, the main highlight of the 1940s pin up fashion was the black cocktail dress, wore by women during semi-formal afternoons and into the evenings. A basic 1940 style wiggle dress with sheer sleeves and neckline- is the best description for such dresses. These dresses made a women look hot with a perfect tinge of sophistication, hence being the top favorite of most women during the 1940s.